Penfield Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP)
Located on the southeastern shoreline of Irondequoit Bay, the Town of Penfield is a bedroom suburb of Rochester, New York. The Bay is a regional recreational asset that is enjoyed by boaters, year round anglers, and bird enthusiasts. Concern for environmental degradation due to overuse and shoreline development, caused the Town of Penfield and the bordering Towns of Webster and Irondequoit to prepare and adopt Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs (LWRP) in the 1990s. In the 2000s the three communities developed the Irondequoit Bay Harbor Management Plan (HMP) and Harbor Management Law. Together these tools help to manage land and water uses and maintain the high environmental quality of the Bay.
Ingalls Planning & Design first started working with the Bay communities with waterfront planning in the mid 2000s when it was part of the team that developed the HMP. Since then, it has assisted Penfield with an LWRP update in 2018 and is now working with Irondequoit to update its LWRP, which will be completed in 2021. Each LWRP update has considered all previous planning efforts, and includes a community based vision, an inventory and analysis, local and State policies, future land uses, recommended projects / actions, and an implementation strategy. |